Place of origin: USA

Healing that begins from the very heart of the matter

The body is a complex system of multiple systems working together. It is highly likely that one health problem doesn’t stem from one issue or affect one system alone. Functional Medicine views health from this perspective – that wellness must be seen as a whole and not in isolation. As obvious as that sounds, it is unfortunate that most medical enquiries stop at one or two underlying reasons at the most. For example, until recently, respiratory issues were seen as just lung issues – but in the recent past, it’s become evident that it has to do as much with gut health as with lung health.

Place of origin: USA

Healing that begins from the very heart of the matter

How does Integrative Cardiology at Wellth help?

Disease, when seen as part of an entity, paints a different picture entirely. One that evidently needs more than procedures and medication to be successful. One that comes with its own physiology, emotions, trauma, history, environment, food habits, etc. – factors that need to be considered before real healing can begin.

What should I be
aware of?

Functional Medicine is a wellness practice that takes into account your genetic, biological, physiological, cognitive, and emotional makeup, and works best for child health, diabetes, inflammation, and antibiotic dependence.

How does Integrative Cardiology at Wellth help?

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